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Fate's Gimmick

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Fate's Gimmick Empty Fate's Gimmick

Post  Fatetaker Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:12 pm




Weight:295 lbs.

Hometown:Frederickton,New Brunswick, Canada

Hair: Black,short
Facial Hair: dagger tip goatee

Backstory:Born in his hometown but raised in Calgary,Alberta,Canada. Went to Yale University to study Physics and Astrology. Former 2-time All-American Wrestler.


Catchphrases: You are about to Face Fate.

Taunts:Quarter Bounce, Under The Table

Trademarks Moves: Spin of Fate, Raging Earth, Modified Powerbomb to Facebuster

Finisher Descriptions:Fatetaker catches the opponent by the waist and puts him on his shoulder
then drives the opponent to the ground and puts all of his weight on the opponent's gut causing Fate to a headstand executing a devastating Spinetaker, Fatetaker does a big boot to the chin
then Fate waits for the opponent to get up then he drives his shoulder into the opponent's gut and puts all of his weight on the gut when they land executing a devastating Spear Of Fate, Fatetaker lifts the opponent where his back is on Fatetaker's shoulder
then Fate sits and slams the opponent's head and gut on the mat at the same time executing a devastating Face Fate

Entrance Video:

Picture: Fate's Gimmick Heart_Tattoo

Manager's Pic:Fate's Gimmick Hancock-phoho

Gimmick: Darky, creepy man who believes Fate rules all

Last edited by Fatetaker on Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 16
Join date : 2010-03-29

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Fate's Gimmick Empty Re: Fate's Gimmick

Post  Baldozer Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:14 pm

Fate's Gimmick FATE
here ur fed card

Posts : 64
Join date : 2010-04-02

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