Twisted Dragon Wrestling!!
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RVD Gimmick

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Post  Rob Van Dam™ Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:38 pm

Rob Van Dam



237 pounds

Los Angeles, CA

Short dirty blonde hair, light blue eyes and a little bit of stubble for facial hair

Rob Van Dam is just a layed back kind of guy who doesn't have a care in the world but can be serious when it comes to wrestling

Mr. Tuesday Night, RVD


My Name Is Rob Van Dam - Rob Van Dam spreads his arms out while sticking his thumbs out and points to himself three times while saying "Rob..Van...Dam!"

Modified Springboard Corkscrew Splash
Modfied Dropkick
Modified Dragonrana

Five Star Frog Splash-Rob Van Dam™️ hits his opponent with a Spinning Wheel Kick then climbs the turnbuckle, leaps from the turnbuckle while bringing his arms & legs inward, turns in midair, lands on his opponent's abdomen & hooks his/her leg for the pin executing a devastating Five Star Frog Splash

Van Daminator-Rob Van Dam™️ tosses a steel chair at his opponent and watches as his opponent catches the chair then jumps up and does a Spinning Back Kick to the back of the steel chair, driving it into his opponent's face executing a devastating Van Daminator

RVD Gimmick Picture

Backstory: Rob Van Dam started off small in local wrestling promotions in his hometown of Los Angeles. He won titles in different promotions but felt like he needed to be in a bigger spotlight. General Manager MysticCrusader held auditions for a new fed he was starting called Twisted Dragon Wrestling. Rob felt that this is what he was waiting for and went to the auditions. He wrestled a few matches in front of MysticCrusader. MysticCrusader was impressed and signed Rob. Now Rob awaits his debut in TDW, and his future as a wrestling legend..
Rob Van Dam™
Rob Van Dam™

Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-03-30
Age : 29

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