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Crashoverride Gimmick

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Crashoverride Gimmick Empty Crashoverride Gimmick

Post  @Crashoverride Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:14 pm


Face or Heel
Face for now

5' 9''

195 lb

United States

Physical Appearance (hair, eyes, and clothes, plus any tattoos or scars)
Wears baggy black pants with red tear marks randomly placed. Both hands are taped up, one is colored black while the other is red. The black colored tape is sketched with a silver eagle, while the red one is written on with the words NO FEAR. He is small in height, but clearly shows great physique. He has deep scars on his forehead and chest.

Description of gimmick (What makes your character who he/she is?)

Crash is a guy who doesn't care to be around people, but will if he has to. He never backs down from a challenge and only listens to his manager Sal Bandini.



I like hearing bones break


Crashoverride Runs Into All 4
Turnbuckles While Hitting His Head On The Turnbuckle Pads executing The Crash

Crashoverride Clinches His Fist
With Thumb Pointed Out And Pull His Thumb Across His Neck executing The Overkill

Trademarks Moves
Crashoverride lift his down-headed opponent

and quickly hurls him down to perform a powerful Car Crash!!

Crashoverride grabs The Taffinator''s ankle

twisting it applying an powerful Snap-a-bone!!

Crashoverride gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump

and dives toward msm hitting him with
his head, performing a violent
Tribute Diving Headbutt!!

Finisher Descriptions

The Taffinator is face down on the mat and Crash moves in for the kill
Crash puts The Taffinators arm in between his legs and locks his hands
together and wraps it over The Taffinators head

Crash then pulls back executing powerful J-5 Crossface!!

Crashoverride stares in to space His opponent takes this opportunity to punch Crash
but it doesn't faze him The opponent tries punching him again and Crash
catches his fist

Holding on to his fist Crash squeezes it
and The Darkness collapses to his knees and Crash starts dislocating
and relocating The Darknesss shoulder until he throws him across the
ring executing HardCore


Entrance Video


Crashoverride Gimmick Sincit10

Trained by the legendary Sal Bandini, a "Canadian Dungeon" survivor and current amateur/pro wrestling trainer. Do to a incident in school when Crash was 12 years old he was casted out by family and by the system. While on the streets he began picking fights with random people. When asked why he did this he simple said, "I like hearing bones break!" Crash welcomes stacked odds and still picks fights with groups in bars just to here their bones BREAK! Sal Bandini took Crash in a while after he was living off the streets and once while training a amateur high school wrestler Sal notice Crash studying the training session. After a bit of deliberation Sal decided to train Crash in the art of pro wrestling and after a few years that was filled with broken bones (Crash's and Sal's) the wrestling career of Crashoverride began...

Last edited by crashoverride on Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:06 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Putting it in the right format)


Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-03-31

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