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Some Stuff We Already have...Some Rules

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Some Stuff  We Already have...Some Rules Empty Some Stuff We Already have...Some Rules

Post  GM MysticCrusader Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:30 pm

Ok Guys. Now, I HAve some Custom Matches That I Already thought of, and well here they are:

Escape Challenge-
This Match Starts In A Steel Cage, then Down Comes A Brief Case, Ontop of the Stage, First Man Out has to Rush onto the Stage Climb The Ladder Grab The Briefcase, and Get To The Ring, nd Use The Tools in the Briefcase (COmbination lock, MAster Lock, Key, Hand Cuffs, Chains) To COnceal THe Cell That Lowers Above the Steel Cage

Heart Breaker Match-
This Match consists of 6 PPL. 6 PPL Enter, 5 Get Layed Off.... 1 Winner, every single Person has A Type Of Handicap. This Match WIll be used to Write Off Superstars, Or End Feuds. This Will USually Happen at a PPV

THose are 2 Matches that will happen at some time. If You Have any Match Ideas Post Them In a Seperate Topic....

IF You have a Fed Idea The Rules Are:

1. Post it Seperately

2. MAke Sure It was not taken from another Fed

3. It cannot be a WWE IDea

4. Please Keep ANY IDEA Realistic

5. Don't post an Idea that has already been Posted
GM MysticCrusader
GM MysticCrusader

Posts : 124
Join date : 2010-03-26
Age : 38

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