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Pissed off Big man(MysticCrusader reply please or if Crash can come up with something)

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Pissed off Big man(MysticCrusader reply please or if Crash can come up with something) Empty Pissed off Big man(MysticCrusader reply please or if Crash can come up with something)

Post  Fatetaker Mon May 03, 2010 10:12 pm

Fate walks out with no entrance music just him and Khent.

Fate: I don't know why but I wanna know when I get my rematch Mystic? Huh when do I?

Khent: Fate calm down.

Fate: No I won't. I finally win that damn championship and he takes it. I want my damn rematch NOW!!!!

Khent: Fate ca-

Fate just stares down Khentimutu.

Posts : 16
Join date : 2010-03-29

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Pissed off Big man(MysticCrusader reply please or if Crash can come up with something) Empty Re: Pissed off Big man(MysticCrusader reply please or if Crash can come up with something)

Post  GM MysticCrusader Wed May 05, 2010 5:32 pm

Mystic Comes out to the ring...
He Is Holding the Dragons Soul Championship...
Fate is ready to unleash...
Mystic: You'll get your rematch when I can give it to you... In fact... seeing as the season is over... I have to explain my actions...
Portable Air Bag, You were a Damn Lazy Bum,
I gave you a GM job,
And you just used it without coming to the ring to make an announcement...
I did all the work...
So, Thats why I did what I did to you.
Now back to you Fate...
You'll Never see this coming...
Seeing as Next seasons theme is Music...
If you can Beat Crashoverride in a Match, you can have the Title...
if you lose...
Crash gets the title...
That's right, I won't be competing, Im Giving you both the Title.
The Winner that is.
The match though...
You'll be playing a Rythmic tune, upon tables...
Thats right...
It's a Tables Match!!

Mystic Begins to laugh as Fate is dumbfounded by the announcement...
GM MysticCrusader
GM MysticCrusader

Posts : 124
Join date : 2010-03-26
Age : 39

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